Derivation directly using CST for the derivation in Appendix III(C).

% Derive the force
clc; clear;
syms alpha r F_e M_e l_t GJ EI GA EA M_y M_z F_y F_z Delta_theta_h M_a;
assume([alpha r F_e M_e l_t GJ EI GA EA M_y M_z F_y F_z Delta_theta_h M_a], 'real')
pi = sym(pi);
K = diag([ EI, EI, GJ, GA, GA, EA]) % this is the K matrix
K = 
Directly use the results from wrench transformation
W =[ 0;
F_e*r*sin(alpha) - M_e*cos(alpha);
- M_e*sin(alpha) - F_e*r*cos(alpha);
W = 
% This negative sign is due to the definition of D_l
U = 1/2*l_t*(W'*K^-1*W);
D_l = collect(diff(U,F_e), [F_e, l_t* M_a])
D_l = 